
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Useless Words 

Today was a good day for sophism. Because I am currently a bum, I was able to watch a lot of Patraeus and Crocker. But before they got to speak, we were privileged to opening statements from the chairpersons and ranking members of the two committees that formed today's "supercommittee" (powerful enough to do nothing , able to make gigantic leaps of logic in a single bound). Jesus help us if this is what passes for reasoned discourse. The Democrats' rhetoric went too far one way, and on the other hand the Republicans have apparently taken to dropping acid before they wrap themselves in the flag.

1,000 ideas race through my head -- the paradoxes, the inconsistencies, the insanity -- but it just takes too much damn energy to sort it all out and put it into words. Deconstructing all the chatter really is tiring. No wonder the entire country is weary.

What's left to say? We fucked it up.

The whole thing was built on mistakes ... immense unforgivable mistakes. The only solace left is the thought that hopefully the historians will give Bush and his neocon asshole hawks the legacy they deserve -- one day our children's children will read in their textbooks about a tragic misadventure halfway around the globe that cost trillions of dollars without improving American national security even one iota. That's all we got because right now looks really really bad.

Oh, and good luck to the high school students of 2100 in keeping straight George H.W. Bush from George W. Bush. Here's a trick to help you remember -- the first one knew better.


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