
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It was twenty years ago today ... 

Was back in Boston for the first time in a year last weekend. Very weird going back there every so often. I spent three years there, but my entire college experience seems more like it was just a really long weekend in my head.

Boston will always be a place with which I have a love/hate relationship. On the one hand, I can't stand it. New Englanders are a crotchety bunch of cantankerous souls ... and the accent drives me nuts. It's the year 2007, we're all inundated with the Great American dialect on TV from age naught, give it the fuck up. I get it, you love Boston, you're 10,000th generation Southie or whatever, and you occasionally shit baked beans. I'm from NY but at some point you just have to let go of having the fucking sounds that come out of your mouth when you make words convey some profound message about your regional authenticity.

Then there are the Red Sox. I'll set my feelings aside and just say that the city's obsession with that team is perverse and weird. But I guess your level of obsession with the SAWKS is also directly proportional to how "Boston" you are. Blow me.

Man, Boston really would be a swell city if we could just remove the current occupants and repopulate it.

Oh, and we're still up 26-6 so ya'll can just check yourselves.


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