
Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Public Service Announcement from Me to the World 

Please pay absolutely no attention to the media's shameless attempt to start beating the drum for the 2008 presidential election at this ridiculously early date.

There are a lot of important things going on at the moment in the world. For example, the head of the federal reserve bank has (for about the 1,000,000th time) warned Congress that the Social Security costs associated with the baby boom generation pose a serious threat to our country's long term economic health. That's pretty fucking important. If things don't change, only one thing can happen, taxes get raised dramatically -- i.e. DOUBLED.

However, the media whores know that these things, while vitally important to our collective future, are also not the kinds of things that get people to watch TV or otherwise consumer their product.

This is not the first time that the media has tried this gimic. Howard Dean was all but coronated king of the Democratic party by November before the primaries last go-round ... remember how that turned out?

It's kind of a running joke how I hate the media, but I do have actual reasons. A democracy can only work when people have access to good information, and in that regard the media continues to let us down at every turn.


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