
Monday, February 20, 2006


On CNN.com, there's a story about how some actor who was in "The Godfather" was killed when he got hit by a bus. I didn't actually read the story, but in Sicily, I'll bet the mafia hits guys with buses every day. Life imitating art, or something.

It's got to suck to be typecast ... like how Al Bundy can never have a serious role again. But, if you're going to be typecast, being typecast as a mob guy is the way to go. There's always a pretty steady stream of cop shows, movies, bit roles in the Sopranos ... what the fuck has Urkel got? ... except a royalty check every month.

Actually, I think child stars can come back nowadays. All you do is, after your show ends, you fall out of sight. Go to college, whatever, Then, ten years later you show up on the current equivalent of NYPD Blue. Unless youre Screech or Urkel -- in which case, you should study up for the LSAT or something.


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