
Friday, January 27, 2006

Why I Hate DC 


whyihatedc is a much much much better blog than mine. I found it when I first moved here -- you can imagine the google search that led me to it. That blog is the story of a man who came to DC because his wife was going to school ... and then everything fell apart. He couldn't find a job, his apartment sucked, the job he eventually found was boring, he hated the DC scene, etc. etc.

He tells the story much better. Like I said his blog is better than mine.

Anyway, his name was James F. and he has found a job in Seattle so he's history -- good for him I guess. It's a story with a happy ending, kind of like the Office, but American. Although I did sometimes get the feeling that something other than DC was the source of James' problems, and he was just kind of transferring, but that's pop psychology and completely irrelevant to the fact that his blog was funny.

James has passed his blog on to some guy named Rusty (IF that is your real name -- which if you're smart it isn't). You hate to pass judgment on a guy right away, but it's almost a certainty that Rusty will fuck the site up.

This is James' last post.

It's a really good post. I think James is an excellent writer and I hope he keeps writing -- not because I will go out and buy whatever he writes, but just for his own sanity. Kind of like how I write this blog ... although nobody reads this blog, so in that way it's different.

You know, it's actually a little-known fact that I inherited this blog from John Updike.


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