
Friday, October 08, 2004

The Infinite Regress 

Yesterday Bush et al. came out and admitted that Iraq didn't have WMD. However, the brain trust has yet another justification for war -- Saddam was seeking to manipulate the food for oil program so that he could get the sanctions down so he could get the money flowing in again so he could start up his weapons program anew.

Give me a break -- if this is the new standard for going to war, then we're in deep shit. Because you know, I heard from a guy who heard from a guy who read it on a bathroom wall that Syria is thinking about perhaps looking into the possibility of trying to begin to start a weapons program some time in the indefinite future.


It's funny how the rationale for war keeps changing, but to be honest, it's also pretty scary to know that the guys who have the power to kill people and destroy nations really don't have a fucking clue what they're doing.


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