
Thursday, September 30, 2004

First in war, third in traffic, last in whatever league they put the new team in 

Expos to DC ... what about Youppi? We need the sort of flare and excitement from a mascot you can only get if he's French Canadian if this franchise is going to take hold here.

There's a lot of jabbering about what to call this new team, like we don't all know that it's going to be the Senators again. People just like to speculate about things, even things that are 99% going to happen no matter what.

If you got a roomful of media types together, threw a ball very high into the air, they would most likely write five articles and a mini-documentary on whether it will come back down. Sheesh.

Some people say call them the Grays. DC is the blackest city in America and the Grays were the best negro team. Only one problem, this team's success and failure is going to be determined by how many Northern Virginians buy season tickets -- you know, the people who moved to the suburbs because they hate black people. So that name just won't do.

Then there are the more obscure options of Nationals or Americans. Those are both dumb names.

2005 Washington Senators (62-100)


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