
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Pet Peeve Project 

I had an idea to keep a running list of all the things that annoy me ... all my "pet peeves".

Here is a preliminary list of things that are currently annoying me:

  1. When waiters sit down at you table to take your order. Unless you want to pay your share of the bill, just keep the diet cokes coming and stay out of my booth.
  2. The glockenspiel.
  3. When cars stop in the middle of the cross-walk.
  4. When teams shoot off fireworks in the middle of a game after a home run, touchdown, etc. If you want to shoot off fireworks, that's fine, but only at the conclusion of the game.
  5. All this buzz about Anderson Cooper. Just because he got misty-eyed doing Hurricane Katrina coverage doesn't make him Walter Kronkite.
  6. Tim McCarver -- every year I have to listen to your innane babble. You make no fucking sense. And who did Joe Buck blow to get his gig?
  7. The way my laptop battery can't hold its charge anymore. I get less than two hours.
  8. That you can't buy the regular earphones that come with the iPod. They have plenty of other kinds of earphones for sale online and in their store, but I just want the regular ones.
  9. How firms want to talk to me over the phone. Please, don't make me have to fake enthuiasm and just send me a letter or an email. I've been faking enthusiasm for 8 weeks and my fake-enthusiasm tank is running on empty. Let's both make an effort to keep this process anonymous as long as possible -- that way nobody's feelings get hurt.
  10. That the Wallace & Gromit movie isn't getting more exposure.
That's it.


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