
Friday, September 23, 2005

A capital idea, old man! 

I've never been big into Christmas cards, but I just might do them this year. Out of the blue, totally unexpected, I got hit by this great idea that Beth and I could do.

Here's the scene: There's a fireplace with an over-sized armchair in front. Above the mantle is a painting of my Dad that is inscribed "Paterfamilias".

I'm seated in the chair, wearing slacks and a smoking jacket. In my left hand is a pipe, in my right a copy of either "The White Man's Burden" or Malthus' "An Essay on the Principle of Population". I would have a very earnest look on my face.

Beth would be wearing a sweater set and pearls, holding a martini in her hand and looking extraordinarily bored.

Maybe we'd even rent a St. Bernard or something.

And the salutation -- "Thank you for your another year of continued collegiality."

BONUS IDEA -- inside would read "May you receive the Lord into your heart as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. And best regards to our friends of the Jewish persuasion."

However, like most great ideas, this will most likely never get off the drawing board.


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