
Friday, August 26, 2005

I fucking hate smoking 

These new guys moved into the apartment next door to mine. They seem like a bunch of knuckleheads, but they don't make a lot of noise or anything, so I'm pretty indifferent.

BUT, they do smoke a lot of cigarettes on both the front and back stoops of the house. And it just so happens that their smoke gets blown into my apartment if the wind is going the right (wrong) way. There's also a girl that lives upstairs with some other girls who also smokes on the front steps pretty often.

Now, obviously, both of these sets of roommates have arrangements whereby it is unacceptable to smoke in their own apartments. Well guess what, I absolutely abhor cigarette smoke and I don't want to smell it in my house either. Both my parents smoked when I was growing up, and I think it is the stupidest and most vile thing a person can do to himself and the rest of the world in general.

SO, how to address this problem? I'm starting to get pissed. Between the hours of 5-11PM, I would estimate that there are about 10 cigarette breaks a night. If it was 1 or 2 times a night I'd just deal, but I just don't think it's right for smokers to impose their dirty disgusting habit on others. If I go to a bar that allows smoking, I made that choice -- but too often I am watching TV or am in the office (like right now) and I get a noseful of smoke.

I'm getting close to saying something, but what? I was thinking of suggesting that they use either the front or the back to smoke in but not both. I feel like that is a fair compromise. I don't want to come across as a prick, but if I have to ... so be it.


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