
Monday, October 03, 2005

A pit bull in size 6 shoes 

Harriet Miers?

First female partner at some big Texas law firm, Bush's former personal attorney, and otherwise longtime crony to the Bushocracy.

BUT, no judicial opinions to criticize ... hmmm.

Here's the million dollar question -- Harriet, which way do you swing baby?

The liberals say that they won't confirm a Roberts-clone for O'Connor's spot because he's too conservative. Conservatives say they won't be happy with a Roberts-clone because he's not conservative enough. [By the way, is there a more ringing endorsement of a person's qualitification for the Court than being too conservative for the liberals but too liberal for the conservatives? Personally, I'm 95% sure that Roberts is a robot -- whether you like him or not, his credentials are too impeccable. They're perfect.]

So out of the ether appears this mystery woman.


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