
Sunday, May 15, 2005

Current mood = annoyed 

I've been officially done with school for almost two weeks ... I can't believe it. When you're in the middle of the shit as I was, you can't wait for it to be over. You have such high hopes for your newfound free time. But, at least for me, the novelty wears off after about four days.

That's my limit for complete sloth .. 3.5 days. Now, I can sustain a low-level laziness indefinitely, but complete nothingness has an 84 hours shelf life.

Other reasons I'm annoyed:

  1. My knee is bothering me again. About a year ago, when I was running pretty regularly, I fucked up my knee pretty bad by running too fast down a steep hill. Of course, I never saw a doctor, looked into the source of the problem, etc. Now the knee is acting up again, and it is extremely annoying.
  2. I'm in the process of buying a mattress. For almost two years, Beth and I have been sleeping on a futon, so the move to a big-boy bed will be much appreciated. But I hate shopping, so this is torturous.
  3. We went to Ikea, because, in addition to buying a bed (by the way, Ikea beds suck, so don't even bother), I need a new dresser. My old dresser was also from Ikea, and from day one it's been all out of wack. The top drawer is impossible to close more than 3/4 of the way, and the bottoms of all the drawers are prone to collapsing if you put too much into them. So I find one I like -- it's bigger, and seems to be more solidly constructed. The drawers also move on rollers, so presumably they will actually open and close. Then, if you've ever been to Ikea, you have to go to the warehouse-like area that they have where you actually pick up the junk you saw in the showroom. Everything is packed flat in boxes and you build the stuff yourself. Now this is my fourth time in Ikea, and so far every time I've gone there the same thing has happened to me -- you walk through their labyrinthine displays, and painstakingly pick out what you want, only to find, once you get to the where they keep all the shit THAT THEY DON'T FUCKING HAVE IT/ THEY'RE ALL OUT OF THEM. So I left with nothing.


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