
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Anger Management 

Don't know what it is ... but I have been on a hair trigger the last few days.

Boredom? Frustration? Who knows.

Two things:

  1. Our celebrity culture is pathetic. Renee Zellweger got married. Jennifer Garner might be pregnant. Who cares? North Korea is set to test a nuclear weapon. Repeat -- A NUCLEAR WEAPON A.K.A. THE MOST DANGEROUS WEAPON EVER INVENTED IS IN THE HANDS OF AN UNPREDICTABLE, PARANOID, AND FANATICAL TOTALITARIAN REGIME. This is gigantic huge news, and CNN et al. should be doing hour long news specials on it. But no, yet again, the media fails us. They could sell/ give this shit to al Quaeda you know. Hold us hostage? Think about it. Assymetric warfare. Hard news assholes. I guess I can't blame them, because if one of these channels went hard-hitting news instead of infotainment, they'd be out of business in a week.
  2. This actually could have gone under #1, but since I said there are two things I feel obgligated to deliver. Two young girls were killed somewhere -- I didn't read where. Young people being killed is obviously a tragedy and I don't want to minimize the loss of those people. However, again, this is hardly a story of national importance. In a country of 300 million plus, there are going to be some psychopaths. By leading with these stories, people get scared. Parents keep their kids in doors. In other words, these events are blown WAY out of proportion. Your kid probably has a better chance cracking his skull in the bath tub. Also, don't you think these sickos get off on having their crimes on the TV? These are local stories. If a 12 year old gets kidnapped in AL, there's not a whole lot I can do about it. It's a national perversion -- some sort of sick media fetish.
It's not a secret that I hate the media. If you can watch FOX news and not feel like the end is nigh, God bless you. That channel is like dinner theatre, it's laughable. It's like they gave my Dad a microphone the shit these guys say.


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