
Sunday, May 01, 2005

I've got the fever ... And the only prescription is more cowbell. 

In 1974, the average American car got 14 miles to a gallon of gas. By 1984, as a result of federal law, that number was basically doubled to 27 mpg. Today, because of SUVs and the like, that number has slid back to 24 mpg. SO in 20 years, even with all the advances in technology that have occurred since Flock of Seagulls ruled the charts and Nancy Reagan ran the White House, American cars are 11% LESS fuel efficient.

Half of the oil consumed in America goes to automobile gasoline.

If people properly inflated their cars' tires, there would be 2% increase in fuel efficiency.

The U.S. consumes 2.9 gallons of gasoline PER person PER day. That blew me away.

A gallon of gasoline costs $6.00 in England, 80% of that amount being taxes. Taxes acount for 20% of the cost of American gasoline.

I love America and I think we're great, but we are a nutso bunch. We've got a price problem. OK, how do we deal with it? SUPPLY SUPPLY SUPPLY -- WE NEED MORE MOTHERFUCKING GASOLINE !!!!!! What ever happened to limiting demand? What ever happened to more fuel efficient cars? Last time we had a (real) energy crisis, the nation moved to more fuel efficient cars, and as a result we had twenty years of a stable energy market.

I'm not saying that we tax gas like the Europeans, because I think that their model of tax high -- spend high just doesn't work. No reason to think that, I just do. I do know that a pint of beer costs $12 in Norway. 12 fucking dollars. That's all the evidence I need of Europe's moral decreptitude.

But guess what, India and China aren't going away, and they're going to need a lot of of the black gold to modernize all their rickshaws and such. We need to keep progress going -- Excelsior -- move past fossil fuels. NOT for the environment. Fuck the environment. For our economy. THAT's how 300 million people get to rule the other 5 billion, by staying one step ahead. Well, that AND our forthcomng army of invincible robot soldiers (Recruitment? Who needs it?).

[Triumphant brass music plays in background as all-American family drives its cold-fusion car down the highway, passing closed gas stations with names like "Arabian Oil Dependence", "Chinese Global Supremacy", and "EU Bilaleralism ". A bald eagle soars skyward.]


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