
Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I am David Marcinkus and I approve the content of this post 

It makes me sick that whenever I turn on CNN all I see is this goddamn Laci Peterson trial or that Utah woman thing or some other bullshit missing person case that doesn't matter one iota. The cable news channels have become to hard news what sports radio is to sports journalism ... the absolute dregs. The difference is that idle speculation about how many home runs Babe Ruth would hit if he played today or why the Knicks will suck forever doesn't dumb down, dilute, and distort the national conversation about important shit ... you know, life and death stuff like war and terrorism.

Woodward and Burnstein were on Larry King last night. I wonder if young ambitious journalists today want to be more like them and do substantive reporting or that vapid knucklehead pretty boy Anderson Cooper.

I don't know -- I just think these things are important.

Here's something I saw today that caught my eye -- yesterday Kerry said that, knowing what he knows now about Iraq, he would still vote to authorize President Bush to use force in Iraq. However, he then went on to say that he would have gone about the process much differently than Bush did. He did not get into specifics.

Today, Bush says at a rally -- hey look, Kerry agrees with me, he would have removed Saddam regardless of the facts.

NO, that's not what he said. Authorizing somebody to do something is not the same as doing it.

It's a subtle difference, but it is a difference, and I am sure Kerry worded his comment that way for a reason. Obviously he has to walk a fine line on this topic. The larger issue is that Bush is smarter than he looks ... he will use rhetoric to make Kerry and himself look the same on the Iraq issue. Kerry can then either try to explain the subtleties of his position, thereby walking directly into the GOP's flip-flopper booby trap they have been setting for months, or he can take the more extreme anti-war position and more or less gift wrap Bush's second term for him.

The Iraq issue is not an easy one for Kerry and he'd better be careful that he doesn't pull a Gore at the debates.

That's my opinion, but what the hell do I know.


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