
Friday, April 23, 2004

Draft Day 2004 --

Normally I take no interest whatsoever in the draft, be it baseball, basketball, or football. I'm a sports fan, but I'm not a Sports Fan, if you catch my meaning. I don't have a subscription to SI, I don't read various newsletters, etc. etc. I watch SportsCenter, I read ESPN.com, that's about it.

But this Eli Manning stuff has got my attention right quick. Any Giants fan that has watched Kerry Collins fumble his way through the past few seasons will appreciate what a rock-hard boner I get when I imagine that most elite of NFL QB names -- MANNING -- in a NY Football Giant uniform.

The Giants just don't have exciting players on offense. Never have. Dave Megget, the third down specialist, was the last innovation the Giants' offense has made. Other than that it's been a pretty pedestrian attack. Maybe in Y. A. Tittle's day they lit up the scoreboard, I just don't know.

Mannning to Shockey ... I like that.


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