
Thursday, April 15, 2004

Tax Day --

This is the first year that I've done my own taxes, and I have to say ... they fucking suck.

I consider myself a pretty capable person, and if I had to do my taxes by the instructions alone, without the aid of the computer programs I used, there's just no way. I might have eventually figured it out enough to get them done, but I never would have gotten back as much money as I did.

My problem was that since I moved in September I had to do NY and DC part-year tax forms, which are different and more complicated than the full year forms.

Whatever, I shouldn't complain -- for the year 2003 I will be getting back $950 from my personal piggy bank, Uncle Sam.


P.S. I wanted to do a post on Bush's prime time news conference, but who has the energy to say what we all already know -- this is a sham war and it is distracting us from the war on terror. While I enjoy the idea of killing Islamic extremists on their home turf, the rationale for this war, WMD, is just plain wrong. (Funny how Bush blaims his lack of action on 9/11 AND his unnecessary actions in Iraq on the same culprit, bad intelligence. Whatever happened to the buck stops here? Hopefully he will be held accountable in November.) On the other hand, countries like Spain that let terrorists make their foreign policy for them need to grow a backbone. Now that we're there, for the sake of American prestige and leadership, we must win.


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