
Friday, April 09, 2004

Hammerin' Hank --

I'm not such a big fan of Hank Aaron, but I'm getting there.

You see, something bothers me about the fact that, while Aaron has the all-time home run record, he also has the most at bats ever, and his AB/HR ratio is not so great. Aaron was never dominant in the Ruthian sense -- what he was was fiercely consistent at a very high level for many years.

But lately I've gotten to thinking that Aaron's workmanlike version of greatness maintained over time is -- I won't say just as, but almost as -- impressive as Ruth's titanic numbers but shorter reign.

The list of men that have had one or two year runs of unsustainable greatness is pretty long. Just think of how many guys have hit 50 home runs -- Cecil Fielder, Brady Anderson -- not exactly Hall of Fame types.

So there is something, actually a lot, to longevity and consistency in baseball.

But here's what's really changed my opinion of Hank. Here's what he has to say about following the Giants to be there when Bonds tops Mays:

"If he's in San Francisco, I'm going to wake up at six o'clock in the morning and go fly to San Francisco? No, I will not do that," Aaron said Thursday, the 30th anniversary of his 715th home run, the one that surpassed Babe Ruth. "I'm not interested in flying six hours and watching a baseball game or watch him break the record. I wish him all the luck in the world but I have no interest in that."

You see, I think Hank is a little crotchety, and I respect that.

I'm Hank Goddamn Aaron, why the hell should I be waking up all early and shit to watch some fool not even break a record, but just move up to second?

Finally, while I was working at Yankee Stadium, I saw Hank Aaron. Let me tell you something, he is big. I know he doesn't look it on the old tape, but he is a solid dude. I'm sure he could kick my ass. And, if I tried to run away, he'd catch me.

He's no Babe Ruth, though.


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