
Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Kerry for Emperor --

(In German, the official language of totalitarianism)

Let's just forget this whole "election" thing and skip right over to a coronation of the first of the many Emperor-Gods of the House of Kerry that will rule us like slaves ... but we'll like it.

This democracy thing is just not working out the way we all thought it would. Too many crybabies and whiners. I mean, how are you supposed to run a country when every minority and sexual deviant wants their "civil rights"?

In the Kerry theocracy, we've got your rights right here (grabbing crotch) !!

All we need is a nice plebecite sose to make it all official-like and then we can have our very own tyrant hovering over us and protecting us into perpetuity.

There's just something in the way that dry New England blue blood smile of his catches the lines on his botox-enhanced forehead that says to me,"Yeah, this guy is my new God ... and I can live with that."

Besides, Bush looks too much like an Archie comic to be semi-divine. Kerry's head is a g.d. Easter Island statue. Which is a good thing since every town square and promenade will be tastefully adorned with his likeness, clothed in a suit of shining armor, sword in one hand, Constitution in another, astride over his defeated foe, Pompey, errr... Bush.

We can start re-writing the textbooks tomorrow.


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