Friday, January 14, 2005
At a Time and Place of Our Choosing
The end is nigh ... of this blog that is. is out, is in.
It's exactly the same, because I stick with what works.
Well, naming my blog after myself was a dumb idea. Especially with all the filth I write. I'd rather not have a prospective employer go, "Oh this fellow looks promising, let me google him. [Said person reads a post about my loose stool the night before] My word, I think not. [Resume into trash]"
Can't have that.
I'm not even really sure if this will work, but we'll see. I also want to try and figure out how I can keep the archives, possibly even transfer them. I don't know how that works exactly.
It's exactly the same, because I stick with what works.
Well, naming my blog after myself was a dumb idea. Especially with all the filth I write. I'd rather not have a prospective employer go, "Oh this fellow looks promising, let me google him. [Said person reads a post about my loose stool the night before] My word, I think not. [Resume into trash]"
Can't have that.
I'm not even really sure if this will work, but we'll see. I also want to try and figure out how I can keep the archives, possibly even transfer them. I don't know how that works exactly.