
Thursday, December 23, 2004

Jesus is the reason for the season. 

There's been a big stink on the cable news the last couple days over the "secularization" of Christmas, of the "taking of Christ out of Christmas". I could probably write 10,000 words on all the ways I think this is bullshit, but this blog has a formula that I strictly adhere to, so here are two gripes:
Like I said, I have a lot to say about this. Religion can be a very dangerous thing. Religion should be a personal thing, not a civic thing. Religion and politics is a dangerous cocktail -- mix in runaway nationalism and you've got a critical mass. Once personal beliefs start interjecting themselves into the public sphere, democracy suffers. Religion can be dangerous because it promotes a common ideology and stifles dissent. Furthemore, people like to pick symbolic fights, and among the fervently religious, maintaining the proper symbolism is of extreme importance.


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