
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I am the God of Hell, I bring you FIRE -- I'll teach you to burn !!! 

All you Jehovah's Witnesses out there, you don't know what you're missing. Halloween has something for everybody: little kids get candy, teenagers get to run amok, 20 somethings get the mild eroticism of chicks wearing skimpy costumes at parties, parents get to see their kids be cute, et cetera et cetera et cetera.

Even anti-socials get something out of it -- they get to wear a mask out of doors for one day a year so that they can hide their shame without being judged.

Worst thing about Halloween:
Good times.

Oh what's that you say? Right, I can't enjoy any of the fun this year because I sold my soul and have to write a memo. Well fuck me.

I made this jack-o-lantern. It's probably better than whatever shitty job you did.


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