
Thursday, October 21, 2004

Cooler heads prevail 

You know, I want to apologize for that last post. Such harsh language ... very un-Yankeelike of me. It's just that this losing thing is new and I'm not really sure how to go about it.

So let me ask all you Red Sox fans -- you guys are pros at making losing fun -- would it be appropriate for me to create a curse? How does the curse of Jeff Weaver sound? I mean, ever since we traded him for Kevin Brown our lives have been nothing but heartache and pain. Or maybe the curse of the number 26. We just can't seem to be able to break through and finally get that 27th title.

I'm also open to the Bloomberg curse, the Giambi benign tumor curse, the Internet bubble curse, and the Bloody ankle curse.

P.S. You Boston fans probably think you were the happiest bunch of assholes in the world last night -- WRONG !! I could almost hear Scott Boras' pants rip open from the gigantic boner he sprouted once he realized how much the Yankees are going to pay Beltran now.

P.P.S. Cashman I hope you don't get fired, but, well, you're probably going to.

P.P.P.S Is it even worth saying that Brown is gone?

XX-FAKTOR -- Pedro in pinstripes?? Nah ...


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