
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

What's gonna happenen' is I'm gonna get to clappinin' and he and his homies are gonna be yappinin' to the captainin' --

I'm a big fan of the Black Album. I think it's a great gift that Jay-Z gave to us. Lord knows how many extra miles I've put on the treadmill thanks to Hova. But I've got two problems:

1. Why is every song about you Sean? Look, I know you're best rapper, everybody knows it, why do you feel the need to say it so many times? Yes, you grew up in the hood - yes, you were poor and now you're not -- we get the idea. More generally, it seems to me that 9 out of 10 rappers' sole subject matter is ... themselves. I'm not saying that you need to rap about the Holy Roman Empire or voter registration or anything like that, but how about a little diversity.

2. In 99 Problems you're all mad that a cop pulled you over just because you're black, and how dare he try to search your shit, etc. etc. The problem is, I've seen you say in interviews that in this particular incident you were trafficking drugs to New York. Okay, how was the cop supposed to know that, I get it. BUT still it seems a little wrong to me to come down so hard on the system for prejudging you when you were actually doing what they assumed you were doing.

And I know that I'm white so what I think doesn't matter, but I am so sincerre about this.


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