
Thursday, March 18, 2004

Kerry you asshole --

Look John Kerry, I have to vote for you, I've got no choice now. It's either you or him, so I'm stuck. But I don't like you ... in fact, I dislike you.

When that man stood up during a town meeting and called you out for saying that foreign leaders had privately told you that they supported you over Bush, your reaction was inappropriate and condescending. This is a democracy, and that man was doing a public service by holding you accountable for your words. Where the hell do you get off accusing him of being a Bush supporter and asking him who he intends to vote for? How does that matter?

Listen up blue-blood, you're all we got now. If you fuck this up by acting like the smug New Englander you are, we're all screwed for four more years ... perhaps longer when Bush declares himself Tyrant for Life.

So for the next seven months at least try to pretend you're not a millionaire bed-wetting Massachusetts flip-flopping liberal and get with the program.

And why the hell haven't you picked a running mate yet? Bush has already sicked Darth Halliburton on you, forcing you to come back at them personally and look like a jerk. Wake up man, pick Edwards already. JOHN EDWARDS, media darling, self-made man, stump speaker extraordinaire !! Let's go. If you pick Old Man Graham you might (might [might]) win Florida, but you'll be a weaker ticket everywhere else.

Do you want to wind up like Dukakis?


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