
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Dr. Strangelove --

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Dr. Strangelove is the greatest movie ever made. If you like Kubrick, this is the most "Kubrick" Kubrick film. Kubrick Kubrick Kubrick Kubrick.

Peter Sellers plays three parts, all perfectly: The President, an English officer who has to try and talk down a rogue U.S. commander from committing nuclear holocaust, and Dr. Strangelove, an ex-Nazi turned American scientist who still has a certain -- let's say, fond rememberance -- for his former Fuhrer. Sellers' best line, as PUSA, "You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!!"

George Scott plays a pre-Patton General Buck Tergison as only he could.

A young James Earl Jones plays a member of a B-52 flight crew.

If you've ever seen the clip of a cowboy riding a bomb, this is where it is from ... they did it in a Simpsons episode once.

Cold War logic taken to its logical extreme, the madness of war, and also the funniest smart black comedy ever. The perfect political satire. Let's put it this way: if this movie was made today, it would be a miserable failure. It's that good.

Think Catch-22, but with a plot.


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