
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Cock Talk --

I am neither a prude nor a baby, but I'm sorry, I just don't want to see tampons and birth control pills out in plain sight. Look, I know that most girls my age use said items, and quite frankly I could not care less, but for Christ's sake have a little goddamn modesty and keep those things to yourself.

If I had a raging case of crotch-rot, you best believe that all my ointments and creams would be well stashed away from prying eyes.

Taking another tack, how would you feel, ladies, if you were in a guy's apartment and he had used condom wrappers all over the place? Pretty grossed out, right.

It wouldn't even bother me so much if I didn't get the feeling that these items which appear to be so haphazardly strewn about were actually being placed self-consciously, like when a wanna-be literary type "casually" leaves Ulysseus open on his coffee table, glasses resting on top, placed just so any visitor might see it and remark about how well read this person must be. Yeah, you know who you are -- cowardly poseurs of letters and sexual maturity -- I see right through you and I laugh with scorn.

Then I write a post about it.

[Editor's note -- Cock Talk is a weekly post focusing on misogyny and other male issues]


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