
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Missed Connections 

MAN -- the missed connections on craigslist are amazing -- it's like writing on a bathroom wall that everyone can see.

Check this out:

I miss you S - w4m
Just because I won't email you, doesn't mean I don't think about you every chance I get! I just need to get you out of my system. Even though we have only been together twice, you managed to go where no man has been in a long time.

Translation = we did anal.

Here's another one:

When you leave town...
Don't bother looking back. The carnage you will leave behind as well as any truth. You can lie to yourself as long as you want. I can't take anymore of it though.

Ultimately, you crushed my heart and did everything you could to mock my soul. Although I do owe the new able bodied guy a bottle of scotch for taking you off my hands. Did you tell him you continued sleeping with me for some time after he entered the picture? What about the married guys you chose to sleep with in all your insecure moments? What about your 4 am nights with the local losers at the city's seediest establishments. I suspect you followed your m.o. and simply lied. That was always so natural for you anyway.

You did a number on me and maybe one day I will return the favor. Being bitter is so shallow and fleeting though. Just like my memories of you. Enjoy your cave you will never reach the light. Its a shame really you had potential.

Sorry had to vent. This seemed like the place.

This one isn't technically a missed connection, but that's some powerful stuff.

This young lady, on the other hand, has the right idea:

m - we hooked up a couple times 2 years ago - w4m - 28
We met thru a friend. You make tv shows, I make rockets. We went on a couple of dates… hooked up on my birthday and a few times after that. Then I got too clingy and weird. I booty called you once about 4 months later and we had a good night. I saw you once after that but I was wasted and embarrassed myself.

I wouldn’t mind hooking up again. If you see this email me. I lost your number so I can’t booty call you again ;) I did hear that you might have a gf though… o well



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