
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Look out belooooooooow!! 

"You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

That's good stuff.

Here's the thing -- we all know he's right. And let's just forget this whole thing where Kerry says that he meant to say "And if you don't, you get [US] stuck in Iraq." John ... Johnny ... Mr. Skull & Bones ... Mrs. Ketchup ... no ... sorry, but that just doesn't make any sense. It's not worth analyzing the words any further -- that makes no sense. And even if it did literally make sense, why is Kerry just now deciding to take off the gloves and blatantly call Bush dumb? If you were going to call a spade a spade, it might have been a good idea to start doing it a little earlier. You know, when you were FUCKING RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!?!!!

Mr. Easter Island Head, what you were saying is that, generally speaking, certain kinds of people join the military. This should not be a shock to anyone. Kerry especially knows this because he served in Vietnam -- that little conflict where the underclass got shipped to Indochina while peeps like Dubya either went to college or "served" in the air national guard.

Maybe Kerry did mean to make the "Us" joke -- but even if he did, there's absolutely not one iota of a doubt in my mind that in his giant empty botox head he was also thinking something along these lines: "It really sucks that the guys who join the army because they've got nothing else going for them are the one who have to pay the price because this asshole sent them into the middle of a shitstorm for no good reason."

And he's 100% right. Of course you can't make that comment, though. People join the military because they believe in high ideals like apple pie and patriotism, not because they have no other opportunities. Forget the fact that the military recruiters consciously focus their efforts on economically depressed areas.

It's called reality, and, unforunately, you can be severely punished for pointing it out in this country. I mean, just by writing this post I've effectively written off any chance I might have had, however miniscule, of serving in any public capacity whatsoever.

Obviously, everyone has the utmost respect for our fighing men and women. That's not the issue at all. It's our leaders who fucked up. However, there is a real problem when our elected decisionmakers characterize legitimate criticisms of their botched policies as disrespectful to our soldiers. It creates a rhetorical catch-22 that is very hard to get out of let alone avoid -- simultaneously condeming the war while praising the soldiers conducting the war is a tough sell, as this last presidential election showed.

Whoa -- just got chilly.


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