
Wednesday, November 08, 2006


OK, I watched about six hours of election coverage tonight/morning. Not to mention the last few weeks. Here is my conclusion --

CNN is just as biased as FOX News.

Repeat: CNN is just as biased as FOX News. The liberal media has had a rock hard boner poking through their pants for weeks now ... that's how bad they could smell 1994 in reverse.

When Wolf Blitzer announced that the Democrats had taken control of the House, he had a smirk on his face. Granted, he always has a smug luck on his mug, but all he could do was stop himself from grinning ear to ear.

The timing of the "projected winners" (because the news doesn't like to call it "calling a race" any more, like that makes any difference whatsoever) is also very telling. CNN called the House about 20 minutes before Fox. On the other hand, FOX consistently called bullshit GOP victories in safe districts -- as if the drumbeat of meaningless wins would keep their angry white 35% tax bracket closet-rascist redneck constipated viewers glued to the tele just that little bit longer.

And what was the deal with having Paul "Asshole Extraordinnaire" Begala and Skeletor Carville gang up on poor old J.C. "What am I even doing here, Anderson Cooper hasn't asked me anything in over an hour" Watts??? Not cool CNN, not cool.

I actually found Brit Hume to be acceptably even-handed. I wish the same could be said for his cadre of conservative-bots who shout jingoisms in the screen in their uber-American type-A dialects.

Anyway you know what I say -- It's all good, baby. Democrat, Republican, Communist, whatever. Who gives a flying fuck? I sure don't.

My life won't change tomorrow. We'll still be breeding terrorists by the droves in Iraq and the deficit will still be insurmountable and getting worse every day. I've accepted that by the time I reach 50 I'll be paying 50% taxes so that useless geriatrics can collect the money they "earned" by "paying into social security". Not to mention nuclear armed Iranians, North Koreans, and whoever else wants to buy a bomb from either of the above.

Some people get optimistic around election time. Some people think the Earth is flat. I will reserve judgment on either until I see some good evidence to the contrary.


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