
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

does anybobdy even know what time it is ... 

... does anybody care?

I've kind of stopped thinking about the Iraq war. I think as a country we've all tried to ignore it completely ... like when somebody you don't know that well makes a really rascist comment -- just pretend it didn't happen, take another sip of your drink, and move on. While that may be a good way to extricate oneself from minor social foibles, it certainly is no way to run a war.

Anyway, when I heard about this intelligence report where basically every single analyst is saying that the war has actually made the terrorist situation worse than it was before, I got a little depressed. It's like we're living in some sort of alternate reality -- first we were told that there were weapons, so we had to get them. If that had been true, I was all about it. Then it was just another part of the larger war on terror -- oh, forget that Saddam's Baathists and bin Laden's Islamists absolutely hated each other ... until we gave all these fuckers a common enemy, or course.

I have no problem killing terrorists -- in fact, dropping bombs on them in their sleep should be our #1 priority. But for fuck's sake, when you do something, do it right. Think about the consequences -- will this make us safer? Will this make us safer in one year? five years? ten? You get the idea -- this is about our long-term security, not bringing democracy to the middle east or whatever bullshit rationale you've come up with for today.

Who are we even fighting any more over there? Nobody seems to know.

It's one thing for ignorant rednecks to make these kinds of bone-head blunders, but when those rednecks get voted into high office, somewhere along the line they ought to wise up. At some point you just have to question the sanity of the people making decisions that are not only consistently wrong, but that are consistently completely and utterly wrong.


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