
Thursday, August 24, 2006

All Hail Our Egghead Overlords!!! 

For some reason known only to themselves, the scientists have decided that what we really need right now is one less planet in the solar system. At first I thought the astronomers were going to blow Pluto out of the stars with some sort of secret death ray that they had been working on just for this purpose, but it actually turns out that they're just sort of proclaiming that it's no longer a planet ... I find that very passive aggressive.

And furthermore, who gave them the authority to make these sorts of decisions? What's next, "proclaiming" that people "evolved" from monkeys or that the Earth is more than 7,000 years old?

What we really need one less of are continents. The books say that there are 7 continents, but how Europe is its own continent is beyond me. Actually, if you look up "continent" in wikipedia, different parts of the world think that there are different numbers of continents. Some actually include Central America as its own continent (dumb), making 8, or go the complete other way and say that there are only 3.

I say there are 6 continents: Eurasia, Africa, America, Antartica, Staten Island, and Australia.


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