
Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Public Service Announcement from the Society for the Intellectually Challenged 

Hi, I'm here today to talk to you about an insidious form of discrimination that has spread into all areas of our modern American life. It's called smartism, and IT IS WRONG! For far too long, the upper echelons of society have been reserved for those who excel intellectually. Our colleges, law schools, and medical schools are literally teeming with hard-working, intelligent, and industrious youths -- meanwhile, the feeble-minded and lazy are force to toil in low paying jobs digging ditches in Appalachia, working retail, or in the Armed Forces. Where's the justice in that? If this is truly a society where anyone -- and I mean ANYONE -- can get ahead and live the American dream, then the institutions of higher learning should be compelled to make a place for the less gifted minds. If idiots can drive racecars and run countries, certainly they can also be cardiologists, rocket scientists, and accountants.

Remember, it's not our fault that we were born intellectually challenged ... it's God's!!!

-- The Society for the Intellectually Challenged.



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