
Friday, June 03, 2005

Throwing down the gauntlet 

I've had enough of their smell. Both my parents smoked growing up and I hate cigarette smoke immesurably. I hate going out and smelling like them the next day. I hate living with the idea that one of my parents' lives might be shortened by these useless things.

Cigarettes should be made illegal. And if you smoke and you have a problem with that -- tough shit. If you're dumb enough or lazy enough or indifferent enough to slowly kill yourself, drain our healthcare resources, and force your friends and loved ones to have to watch you slowly die, then your opinion shouldn't really count.

Would it be paternalistic to ban cigarettes? Who gives a shit. I don't.** Would there be a black market of cigarettes? Of course. So what? There would also be a lot less cigarette consumption.

I don't get it. Alcohol makes you feel good -- what the hell does a cigarette do for you?

**Not doing what you think is right simply because it conflicts with some abstract concept of what you think government should be only shows that your concept of goverment is wrong. If you have a concept that says A, but your common sense says B, then your concept is wrong.


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