
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A throne from which I'm told all history does unfold 

Q: Which historical figure has had the greatest impact on human history?
A: Gallagher. Close second = Jesus.

This time of year all Christians think about the mystery of Jesus, and I am definitely included in that group. God becomes man, man rejects God, man kills God, God is reborn. It's the greatest story ever told. Nietztsche interprets the story as evidence of how the "slave morality" entrenched itself as the dominant morality. Ascetism over sensuality, suffering as a virtue, good deeds rewarded in the afterlife. All values that make people quiescent and easily controlled.

Not many people like Nietzsche. We need people like him in my opinion, because nobody can shape up your worldview like a good polemicist that doesn't give a fuck about your bullshit beliefs -- but that's another post.

Is the story true? Who knows. Was Jesus God? Only faith can answer that. My own view is that Jesus was the son of God -- the specifics of the story I have my doubts about. After all, the Gospels were written by evangelicals, men who were trying to sell a new religion to a hostile audience.

I like Christianity -- it's a good religion, without a lot of bullshit requirements. Just be excellent to each other, that's alway been my one sentence understanding of Jesus' teaching.


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