Monday, November 29, 2004
The year that is 11/12 over
The Greatest & Best Superlative List of 2004
Since nothing important happens in December, here is a list of this year's highlights:
Biggest Loser -- John Kerry (close runner up -- the New York Baseball Yankees)
Shit happens bro.
Biggest surpise that wasn't really much of a surprise --A double dose of Dubya
The forces of evil once again demonstrate why good is dumb ... or at least why Democrats can't win the presidency.
Man of the Year -- Ronald Artest
Nothing gets the nation seconding-guessing its morals faster than sports-related violence. Undertake nation-building all over the Middle East, who gives a shit? Toss a half-full cup of beer at some asshole prima dona athlete, now you've crossed a line.
Most useless person of the Year -- Teresa Heinz-Kerry
Not to say that she's the reason Kerry lost, but I guarantee she didn't gain him one vote.
Reading those tea leaves -- Things that will happen in 2005.
Probability of a successful election this January in Iraq = 0%
Bull Moose Party returns as a viable third party option.
Yanks in six.
Next to be touched by Death's cold hand = Margaret Thatcher
Putin declares himself Czar.