
Thursday, September 16, 2004

What I did today vs. what I had planned to do today 

Both of my classes were cancelled today for the Jewish holiday, so I had all these great plans for what I was going to do.

I haven't done a goddamn one of them.

I wanted to get to the gym. Nope. Re-read some torts cases -- not a chance. I haven't even taken a shower yet.

I have gotten in about five games of MVP baseball, but that's about it. I also watched a show on Discovery Wings (didn't know that was a channel -- well it is) about the air war over Korea ... and the next one about the Manhattan project. I saw about five minutes of the one after that but then I called it a day and moved on.

I did change my address for my subscription to Sports Illustrated and for the law school so that was progress, but on sum I give myself a D+ so far today.

Fuck it dude ... let's go roll.


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