
Friday, May 07, 2004

Ken Rosenthal You Suck  

Here's an email I wrote to Ken Rosenthal, baseball "expert" for the Sporting News about this article:


You say in your article today that playoff games should start earlier so more kids could watch them. You then say that baseball would never do such a thing because it would result in lower ratings, which means less money -- the implication being that the people that run baseball are money whores and they would never jeopardize ratings.

You neglect the fact that lower ratings also means that FEWER PEOPLE WATCHED THE GAME. Isn't the point of playing these important games for people to watch them, be it kids or otherwise? You can concoct whatever motives you like, and I don't think any of the people in baseball, media types like yourself included, are angels, but don't let your cynicism blind your common sense just so you can write some populist baseball purist drivel.

And what's your problem with the Yankees? Just because the Cardinals haven't done anything lately don't hate on the Yankees.

David Marcinkus

On a different note, I had a dream last night that Peter Gammons played for the Red Sox and he won a game against the Yankees by stealing home on a suicide squeeze. Who knew?


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