
Sunday, January 04, 2004

The Sceptic --

by guest poster Mr. David Hume, Esq.

On the legitimacy of governments:

Time alone gives solidity to their right; and operating gradually on the minds of men, reconciles them to any authority, and makes it seem just and reasonable. Nothing causes any sentiment to have a greater influence upon us than custom, or turns our imagination more strongly to any object. When we have been long accustom'd to obey any set of men, that general instinct or tendency, which we have to suppose a moral obligation attending loyalty, takes easily this direction, and chooses that set of men for its objects.

On reason's ineffectivenes in directing human actions:

Whoever considers, without prejudice, the course of human actions, will find, that mankind are almost entirely guided by constitution and temper, and that the general maxims [those supplied by reason] have little influence, but so far as they affect our taste or sentiment.


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