
Monday, November 24, 2003

Farting at Work --

You've got to be careful as hell when you fart at work, son, otherwise they're gonna catch your ass and you know how fast office gossip travels. Do you want to be known around the water cooler as the guy who always farts? I didn't think so.

And if you work in a small office, it's not even like you can discretely let one out as you walk down the hallway, because folks will get hip to that right quick. Nope, the only "safe" place is your office, and even there you have to watch out for some special dangers.

Like, let's just say for example that you've been farting in your office for a couple of hours. Okay, no harm done. But then what if a co-worker comes in there to put something in your in box only to get blasted by all the stuff that's been baking in there all day. Now you're seriously busted -- I mean, who else could have done it, it's your fucking office.

The only other option is to embrace your flatulence, but you've got to be a real hump who doesn't give a shit to go that route. So yeah, you have to be extra careful in the office.


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