
Wednesday, February 04, 2004

AZ, DE, MO, ND, NM, OK, SC --

No surprises I guess.

My Edwards for president confidence waned a little more. He just sounds so good, so natural. You know it's bullshit, but he makes it sound so genuine -- the mark of a true campaigner: promise the world he can't deliver, you know you're being deceived, but you still like it.

I have a new reason why Kerry can't become president -- he looks too much like Andrew Jackson. Take a look at a $20 bill the next chance you get. Throw a cape on Kerry and put him in a wind tunnel and there you go. Maybe Kerry is a reincarnation ... Jackson was a war hero who won a pointless battle in the War of 1812, Kerry is a war hero in a war nobody wanted. Hmmm ... if I was an Indian I'd watch out.

The only thing even remotely interesting last night was Lieberman's bowing out speech. If you didn't understand English, you'd think he just won the nomination -- I mean this guy just can't lose. He comes in a clear fifth in NH and somehow that turns into a tie for third, then he gets blown out of the race yesterday and he sounds like a winner. I guess all this not keeping score at kid's soccer games is catching on.

Joe Lieberman is apparently a good man, at least that's what Bob Dole has been saying, but face it Joe, you lost.

Speaking of losers, Wes Clark has been a super-turd all over our fair land. He should drop out soon and spare me from having to watch his automaton inspired stump speeches. Taking your first crack at elected office under the super electron microscope of a presidential election is not such a great idea after all ... unless you won the Civil War or liberated Europe from Nazis. Sorry, being Supreme NATO Commander doesn't count -- nobody knows what that is, and it sounds way too totalitarian.

I'm also actually starting to feel sorry for Howard Dean. Poor guy, everbody stole his thunder and now he has no money.

At least he still has the Deniacs.

Or is it Deneiacs?

Or is it Denialacs?



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